
You Can Keep Your Health Plan*

In Health Care on October 31, 2013 at 7:23 am

The “secret footnote” why of course – why didn’t we all notice the secret footnote that explained before hand what many are experiencing now. That you CAN keep your insurance plan – well just not YOUR insurance plan. Sorry….. What we were in fact being told is that the President’s comment about keeping your health care plan was meant for those whose plans met the criteria set out by Obamacare. How silly of the American people for not realizing this when having Obamacare shoved down our throats.

The Wall Street Journal

President Obama has intoned “if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan” hundreds if not thousands of times. Sometimes he has even added that “no one will take it away, no matter what” or “nothing will change, period.”

But now that reality is repudiating the President’s unequivocal promise, Democrats want you to know that there was always a secret footnote: If you’re losing a health plan you liked, the President didn’t mean your plan.

Liberals now argue that Mr. Obama was mostly correct but his claim should have been caveated with a clause that people could keep their plans as long as they met ObamaCare regulations. This asterisk somehow wasn’t mentioned until millions of policies started to be terminated as ObamaCare-noncompliant.

Full story: The Wall Street journal

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