
Posts Tagged ‘Republicans’

The splitting of the Senate (now in convenient GIF form)

In Congress, Democrat, Republican on November 14, 2013 at 7:58 am

This shows in a visual format what probably everyone knows. That the legislative branch is at odds with itself. The most glaring year(s) of divide is in recent history where there are two distinct camps – Republican / Democrat

113th Congress, 1st Session (2013)

Image by grepawk
Yahoo! News

It’s been said that American politicians have grown more entrenched along party lines and less willing to compromise.

The series of illustrations, uploaded to imgur, show the voting patterns of members of the Senate – Democrats in blue, Republicans in red – from 1989 to the present.

Full story and video: Yahoo! News

It’s time for Republicans to let Obama own the fiscal crisis

In Democrat, Of interest, Republican on December 1, 2012 at 12:04 am

Fox News

If you thought the bulk of our gridlocked politics would end in November, think again. The prospect of our country going off what’s referred to as the “fiscal cliff” has both the right and the left staking out their territory in a battle over how to handle our very unbalanced books.

President Obama and a good chunk of Democrats want to raise taxes on the nation’s highest earners. Though the president says he also wants to have a conversation about reforming entitlements, he hasn’t put any type of proposal on paper. Nor is the president or his party interested in serious spending cuts, aside from cuts to the Department of Defense, something Republicans argue would hurt our national security muscle in a time when we need it the most.

At the same time, Republicans have put forth plans to tackle the biggest driver of our debt—entitlements—and even had a presidential ticket that ran on those reforms. The House of Representatives has passed some version of these plans and Speaker John Boehner has adopted a Mitt Romney — idea to eliminate certain deductions in order to raise revenue to pay down our debt. Raising taxes, however—on anyone—is not an option, they say. Unless one side caves, we’re slated to dive off the so-called “cliff” in December.

Full story: Fox News

Rice ends second day on Hill with hopes of nomination appearing to dim

In Democrat, Republican on November 28, 2012 at 9:53 pm

FOX News

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s potential bid to become the next secretary of state appeared further in jeopardy Wednesday, with one key Republican practically warning President Obama not to send her nomination to the Senate.

“I would just ask the president to step back away from all the buzz around this, take a deep breath and decide who’s the best secretary of state for this country,” Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker said after a 90-minute meeting with Rice, who is under fire for her initial public explanation of the deadly consulate attacks in Libya.

Rice’s separate talks with Corker and Maine Sen. Susan Collins, another key Republican, marked her second day of Capitol Hill meetings in her effort to explain events surrounding the attacks Sept. 11 on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

She said five days after the attacks, on several Sunday talk shows, that the strikes appeared to be “spontaneous” acts of violence that evolved from protests over an anti-Islamic film.

Rice acknowledged to the senators that her initial account was wrong, but she insisted she had not been trying to mislead the American people.

Full story: FOX News